Monday, April 29, 2013

5 Easy Fashion & Style Resolutions

5 Easy Fashion & Style Resolutions

Make A Change
New Year’s resolutions are always hard to keep, and I’m no stranger to breaking them. Quit smoking: fail. Join a gym: fail. Cut down on nights out: huge fail.
Whilst the sentiment behind such self-improvements are genuine, temptation and obstacles surround us everywhere we go – whether it’s that extra pint in the pub or the soaring fees of gym membership. But, do not despair, there are plenty of ways us gents can improve in the style department.
With the New Year, we have a new outlook on men’s fashion that is constantly expanding. 2013 can become the trigger for all of us to take that extra bit of care. Besides, it looks like the Mayans were completely wrong about the Rapture, and style has a purpose once more.
Here at FashionBeans, we’ve had a good long think about men’s style and the need for enhancement as we go forward. Your personal resolutions may be doomed from the offset, butour five easy-to-implement New Year’s resolutions will help keep your style impeccable this year…
Resolution No. 1: Invest In Good Shoes
A very good female friend of mine recently said, “It can all go wrong at the shoes: a lovely shirt and a lovely pair of jeans are redundant when a guy is wearing a pair of Crocs or something.”Never have I heard such wiser words. The days of bad shoes are long gone, and we should be ushering in a golden age of quality footwear.
Granted, some are bound to be left behind, but we all should go out and buy a pair of shoes to be proud of. With luxury comes a price tag, but I feel that spending those extra few pounds will work wonders – a good pair of brogues or Derbies can be a companion for life if you look after them properly.
On the flipside, the formal route isn’t always the preferred choice, so feel free to dress them down with slacks, jeans and t-shirts; I’ve always found loafers to be a much more versatile style in that respect.
Hard-wearing leather is classic and timeless, but on the casual front, brands like Vans, Converse and Dr. Martens are becoming a firm of staple of the fashion-conscious gent. They may seem popular, but there’s a reason for this: the hi-tops, pumps and boots of this world are becoming classics in themselves. This is 2013 – I should not be seeing shoe-trainers or shell-toes on anybody.

Resolution No. 2: Avoid ‘Ladwear’ At All Costs.
Oh God, where do I even start with this one? Everything about typical ‘Ladwear’ (as I like to call it) is wrong.
Let me be more specific: my friends and I define Ladwear as anything that wouldn’t look out of place in your local Oceania. We all know what I’m talking about here: the t-shirts with scantily-clad women and ‘BANG TIDY’ slogans, the drop-crotch carrot jeans that were more novelty than style, and the oversized but rather lacking vests with the sole purpose of drawing attention to one’s creatine-sculpted arms.
I genuinely thought this trend would die a swift death but no, it’s here to stay. I understand that outside of London, most high streets can be very generic for us blokes and variation in style is few and far between – this isn’t a worthy excuse though. Replace slogan t-shirts for classic, staple shirts and keep flip-flops for the beach only.
It takes very little effort to smarten up your look and nobody likes looking back at embarrassing photos, especially when you’re old enough to know better. Let’s make the New Year a sartorially informed one, and replace Ladwear with heritage, classic and timeless pieces – you’ll thank me for it in the long run.
Resolution No. 3: Embrace More Trends
A resolution that I need to stick to myself, because it’s easy to fall prey to style monotony. My own wardrobe is incredibly basic and neutral, with a few flashes of print and colour here and there – in 2013 that just isn’t good enough.
The motto “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” certainly rings true for many of us and our sartorial decisions, but as the boundaries of style and masculinity are stretched and transformed every season, there’s no reason why any of us should shy away from bolder, more experimental pieces. Believe it or not, such audacious choices are becoming increasingly acceptable by mainstream standards.
Personally, I initially scoffed at the camouflage trend as totally unwearable, and then ate a huge slice of humble pie as I saw it perk up on every corner of Dalston and Shoreditch. Paris Fashion Week brought a vast array of eyebrow-raising trends but I feel this year, more and more of us are stepping outside our comfort zone.
For SS13, Kim Jones introduced conventional pieces in unconventional fabrics such as scuba and surf skin, Balenciaga injected a heavy dose of floral print that is already trickling down in a diluted form to the high street whilst Raf Simons has championed the ‘statement trainer’. I’m not suggesting you should don a leather poncho or the like in an effort to be fashion forward, but menswear really is on the move and I for one don’t want to be left behind.
Find a happy medium between brave trends and your personal style and I can guarantee that you’ll be on to a winner.
Resolution No. 4: Stay Groomed
It seems quite ironic that as I spout the importance of good grooming, I’ve arrived in Bangkok with a haircut that has been long overgrown and a beard that’s more Jesus than Jil Sander. However, despite being mid-travelling, I still try to make an attempt when not stuck in an Indian village that has only two hours of electricity per day.
Beard trimming, wet shaving and a neat haircut just goes to show you’ve made that little extra effort, and they are the finishing touches that propel a well-groomed gent into something of a style icon.
Even recent runways shows have pioneered facial hair, and for those lucky enough to grow a full beard (one of the few pros of me being exceptionally hairy) it’s time to put down the razor and pick up the trimmer. It’s good to keep it in check, but heavily sculpted goatees and sharp lines are very Beppe from Eastenders and should be avoided at all costs.
At FashionBeans, we’ve covered good maintenance in the past and there are a few golden rules to personal care. Make haircuts a regular thing – once every 3-4 weeks if needs and finances allow, and go for a style that is both contemporary and classic. I long for my former war hero barnet, but I urge my comrades back in the western world to take full advantage of a good quality hairdressers. Stay groomed and stay consistent with it.

Resolution No. 5: Shop Ethically
In recent years, we’ve been bombarded with messages about our eco and social impact as western consumers, and I think it’s incredibly important that this applies to fashion also.
I understand that sometimes it’s unavoidable when buying less than ethical pieces in the usual retail giants – it’s because of this structure that we can get fashion so cheaply. It’s completely impractical to ever think we can have a complete wardrobe upheaval that carries only ethical brands, but purchasing the occasional environment and social friendly piece is something we should all get into the habit of.
American Apparel has been a label that is keen to boast its fair-trade credentials at relatively affordable prices, whilst the likes of Paul Smith are launching organic lines as we speak. Responsible purchasing can be your good deed for the day, and as everybody becomes more aware of the fair-trade issue, I can only presume that more labels will follow suit.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dealing With Men’s Thick, Wavy Or Unruly Hair

Dealing With Men’s Thick, Wavy Or Unruly Hair

The majority of the comments left on my previous two articles have been from readers wanting to know the best way to deal with thick, long, wavy or unruly hair, so I thought I would tackle this dilemma with a specific article on what to do if you fall into this category.
This type of hair can be difficult to manage but I hope that by following some of my simple guidelines you will be able to get the most from your cut. There will be a lot to consider, but all of these tips are guaranteed to make life so much easier for you in the long run.
1. Look After Your Hair
Firstly, thick hair needs to be looked after properly. A large percentage of guys still don’t invest in a decent shampoo or conditioner, but it’s vital to use high quality products in order to keep your specific hair type in its very best condition.
Using (read: stealing) your girlfriend’s shampoo might seem like a good idea, but if you don’t have fine/coloured hair and that’s the shampoo she uses, it just isn’t going to be beneficial to you.
The majority of shampoos on the market aren’t specific to a single hair type, they simply cleanse and moisturise the scalp whilst promoting healthier hair growth. However, if you are still struggling to find one that meets your requirements, you will find a list of my recommended shampoos and conditioners at the end of this article.
With thick hair it’s important to use conditioner as well as shampoo, even if it’s not used every time. This will help moisturise the hair and scalp and smooth the hair cuticles, giving your hair a healthy appearance and making it all the more manageable.
2. The Right Cut
Secondly, choosing the right haircut is extremely important. Be realistic with your choice of hairstyle and think about the amount of time you have to spend styling it every day. The biggest issue guys with thick, wavy hair have is that they expect it to simply fall into place without any work or effort.
When getting your hair cut ask your stylist for tips and advice on how to recreate your style at home. They may suggest using a hairdryer and/or straighteners and they should also go through what products to use. I know some clients just think they are getting a sales pitch off their stylist but you should actually listen to what they have to say – I am certain you will see the results and benefits of using salon quality products on your hair. Going to a supermarket and picking products randomly isn’t going to help you get that pristine salon look at home.
Time is a major factor to consider with thick or wavy hair. Opting for a shorter style will seriously reduce the amount of time you need to spend getting ready in the morning – if this is what you are looking for, or you just feel like a change, the current trend in wavy hair is to keep the back and sides aggressively short, leaving length through the top (see lookbook examples below).
I would always suggest paying a bit more for a decent haircut, especially when dealing with thick or unruly hair. This is because you’re not looking for a basic style here – you need someone who really understands how to remove bulk and weight from the hair. You also need a stylist who will give you the confidence and information you need in order to style the cut at home.
Hairstyle Inspiration

Texture & Hair Colouring

Texture is key with this type of hair, so a barber who uses clippers for the whole haircut is not going to provide you with what your hair needs to look good.
Other ways of creating texture within a haircut is through colouring. Now, many guys won’t even entertain the thought of having their hair coloured but I’m sure that is because when I mention colour to my male clients they instantly think of having bleach in their hair. I have colour in my hair to create texture – it’s not about being bold, it’s about adding different tones to avoid the hair looking like one solid block colour. This is especially true for dark brown or black hair, which is very difficult to create any form of texture or definition.
There are several ways of applying colour: it can be painted free-hand or placed in foils. I wouldn’t advise going for the old fashioned highlighting cap as this can make the colouring appear slightly chunky and, depending on the length, can sometimes look quite spotty around the hairline as well.

Shorts For Men – What’s Hot For Summer 2013

Shorts For Men – What’s Hot For Summer 2013

Shorts for Men

In previous articles for MenStyleFashion I have spoken about my general repulsion of men in shorts; the fact they make us look like over grown public schoolboys running around red brick, ivy strewn buildings or sportsman long past their peak, trying to revel in those halcyon days which have become nothing more than a distant memory best left to a by-gone era. Shorts on a man, I just can’t get my head around it but I’m trying. No really, I am.
I am signed up to a whole host of mailing lists from fashion brands and e-commerce retailers the world over, something I highly recommend. If you can resist the allure of spending your months wages at the rapid click of a button, signing up to these mailing lists is great for personal inspiration; you don’t have to buy anything from them – of course, indulge your sartorial dalliances from time-to-time, you’d be foolish not to – simply use them as a visual tool for your own style, to give you hints and ideas of what you can do to liven up your sartorial choices.

Short Suit Jacket Combination

In recent weeks I have been inundated with brands sending me their weekly/monthly newsletters with all their latest product and one thing that keeps jumping out at me are the matching shorts and suit jacket combinations. Now, for someone with a disdain for shorts you can imagine my initial reaction to this fashion monstrosity but, whisper it quietly, I’m actually quite enamoured with this look.
I can’t actually place my finger on what it is about this look I have become so smitten with but from Topman Design, Acne and Margaret Howell to Cos, Oliver Spencer and Billy & I (a fabulous Swedish brand I discovered at London Fashion Week)  there’s something about this trend which captures one’s imagination.
There are two ways you can play the short/suits combination: casual or incredibly casual. There’s no room for smart casual with this trend, it will just make you look like a golfer and if you saw the sartorial choices of both fans and players swanning around Augusta at the Masters last weekend you’ll know this is most certainly a trend to avoid.
For the casual look you’ll want a plain, well fitted t-shirt tucked into your shorts under your blazer and a pair of smart brogues. Socks are optional but this can often make the outfit resemble the schoolboy look so tread carefully.

The uber-casual look

The uber-casual look (and the one I happen to favour) is where we become more fashion led, a touch more avant-garde and free of spirit. Topman Design has done it perfectly, the whole outfit says I like to look smart but that doesn’t mean being boring. This look makes me think of the 1970’s and California’s Z-boy skaters if they were attending an interview. Jackets are slightly oversized and so bright you’ll be thankful for your sunglasses, the shorts are cut neither loose nor tight, sitting just above the knee, shirts are loose, socks are simple and be it white hi-tops (I’ve just got myself a pair from the Comme De Garcons PLAY X Converse collaboration) or black patent leather shoes, this look really is the suit in the midst of youthful, rebellious angst.
Have I been converted to shorts then? The jury is still out. There’s a great divide between some svelte like Adonis sauntering down a catwalk and the man avoiding crowds on his journey to the office and in that is where my dilemma lies. I guess, as with everything in life, you can’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Who knows, if the sun ever does come out here in England, you may just catch me at the up-coming London Collections: Men in a blazer and shorts so watch this space

Add the blazer and this is just very cool indeed

Loving this

Men’s Linen Suits – How To Wear Them This Summer

Men’s Linen Suits – How To Wear Them This Summer

The linen jackets and suits out on the streets of London are just simply wicked. This fabric is perfect for its breath abiltiy and versatility.
No longer does this style belong to the Italians or Spaniards. No longer are men afraid of colour, whether it bepastel green, vibrant white or bright orange. It just looks fabulously cool and should be worn with confidence.

How do you embrace this suit linen wear?

The linen collection out there is about pushing the suit boundaries for men more than ever before. It is about the  mixing of materials with different cotton styles that have given it a more edgy appeal. The retro prints andflorals fabrics are for the adventurous man.  Layering of clothes seem to be an added bonus, but not sure how cool this can be in a very hot climate? In London you should be fine on most days.
The free flowing designs portray a more relaxed and comfortable man this summer. Make sure you team your suits with a lighter colour shirt and add leather bracelets they look great on men in summer. The hat you choose is very personal and is optional but when that sun is hot, make sure you got a trendy fedora hat on hand.
From Ted Baker to Topman the collections are very refreshing to  see. They have a retro 1950′s appeal and look very smart. This summer is about pushing the fashion boundaries and experimenting with era’s and styles. So embrace it with gusto and be open for a new image.

Paying Attention To The Details

Paying Attention To The Details

The Little Things
It’s the little things that will ensure you are remembered: holding open the door for the person behind you, smiling at someone as you pass by and, in the world of menswear, thinking carefully about the details.
In an increasingly image-conscious world, where looks and the way you dress make almost as much difference as your ability, being able to really define yourself is hard.
The well dressed male is now a universal phenomenon, so it is down to the individual to decide just how he will make his outfit stand out. The easiest and often most effective way to separate yourself from the crowd is to pay attention to simple details that you might normally overlook – the things we think about, but never REALLY think about. The finishing touches that become an afterthought behind the outfit as a whole.
However, if you take a step back and give these details the attention they deserve, I think you’ll find the little things aren’t so little after all
Suitable Sock Selection
I don’t really think there are any set rules when it comes to socks. Of course, there are certain colours that will pair better with others, but in general, I believe that you should be able to wear whatever the hell you want.
Socks are a fantastic way to add colour, individuality and character to an outfit. When everyone around you is still wearing hideous sports socks, or those god awful white tube socks, you can be strutting your stuff in block-colour beauties or Fair Isle winter warmers.
Socks are one of the very few things that men can afford to really experiment with – so feel free to go crazy. I love to see a man in great socks.
If you want to make a statement there’s an entire rainbow of colours for you to choose from, the number of patterns is endless (especially due to current trends) and the fun you can have: limitless (yes, socks are THAT fun).
Sock Lookbook Inspiration

Current Styles

Rolled Sleeves Look book

Key Pieces